Novitiate Hermitess
IRL Junior Nun (I probably shouldn't be playing videogames, but I don't know, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask in case they tell me to stop... Time for a game of "ignorance is bliss!" lol)

About me
Hi, I'm Novitiate Hermitess, my friends in game call me Novi.
I was a nun in training, my name means novice and hermit. I am now a Junior Nun, but I will keep my FFXIV name the same.
In FFXIV, I play Black Mage because I think it is ironic to real life.
I am here for a mixture of RP and real life, I won't preach any real world religions in game, but I do like to discuss philosophy questions.
For the purpose of FFXIV, I worship The Twelve, so it's ok if I talk about them in grave detail.
Especially the Black Mage and Thaumaturge Guild's Nald'thal.
My guardian is Oschon, the wanderer.

In the game I am also taking on the role of a nun.
I have just started an FC for players to use for respite. I am very introverted and the FC is ironically named "Hasbin Hotel" as it is an inside joke, because of all of the things I hear about Balmung, and the fact that I was a nun in training/am now a junior nun.
I do like Charlie's idea and philosophy that anyone can be redeemed though (I do not expect anybody in the FC to "be redeemed" or to change in any way whatsoever, it was just a silly FC name idea and not serious).
If you see this and want to join just to rest for a while you are very welcome to! And you can leave at any time.
I make low level Culinarian food and place it in the Company Chest for anyone to use at will. If you own a house or apartment I can make some food housing items too!

I am now at the Stormblood expansion, I'm looking forward to it!
For my in-game and real life, the work I do is described below:
Study I get to study interesting things. In real life and the game! I really enjoy learning about The Twelve from FFXIV when I have free time.
Cooking I like to cook and bake for people. I game I make many foods to give friends, in real life I make food for where I live, the community, and for those who need it.
Knitting I like to knit scarfs and similar items for people, when I go to a different country I usually buy interesting looking wool and yarn.
Cleaning A lot of work can involve keeping everywhere clean and tidy, including gardening!
Community work I help out in the community when I am needed.
Drinking wine My unofficial job is to secretly drink wine in my room and play FFXIV.

Cool Things I see in the real world:
If I see cool things in the real world I will take photos and add them to the gallery. I've made a new gallery at the bottom of the Carrd, but I'll leave the initial photos here with their stories.
The first thing is a really nice looking wine bottle, it cost too much money in the place we were drinking and when I mentioned this they said they'd send me some to try!

I thought maybe they were joking when they said they'd send me some to try but I got an unexpected package with a bottle inside!
Now that I have a closer look, the artwork is very beautifu. It looks like it is drawn on white paper, in black and golden strokes (but it must be printed, right?).
Here is a close up of the front, the angel on the side, and the peacock on the other side. The wine is from the country of Georgia, which is one of the earliest known places to do winemaking!

Next is a really cool hourglass. We tested it three times whiles out for drinks and timed it. It did not look like it but it actually took an hour for the sand to go all the way through. You can probably tell we never get to go out out for things like drinks if what impressed us the most was playing with an hourglass in a bar lol

I went shopping recently and saw this really pretty journal. You were able to choose the page types inside, I placed calendar, dotted paper, and lined paper inside. I am now using it for FFXIV notes and lore.

I like this tree, it's very pretty and overgrown. I do not get to see it often, so I have taken a photo of it on a recent trip.

The knitted rabbit is called "Miss Viera", she was a gift after I did some charity work.
The half-finished scarf is made with interesting yarn I got in Japan several years ago, I keep forgetting it exists and finding it in my things months later then continuing a little more before forgetting again. Out of everything I knit this has technically taken the longest because I have 3.5 full balls of yarn to get through lol

First Gallery of Screenshots from FFXIV
Second Gallery of Screenshots from FFXIV
IRL Gardening Work (various gardens) and other nature photos
For the most part, when I go to help in the gardens in any place I go to live or help out, I like to take photographs.
I will add to this gallery with flowers, bugs, animals, and nature photos. I also added my recent pilgrimage photos.
Misc Nunhood Photo Gallery
My friends in FFXIV know I have done my vows. Where as I do not give out my current countries of residences except saying they're in Europe, I would like to take photos of miscellaneous things from taking my vows and other things to do with my new life as an official junior nun. My sincerest apologies, as where I do not talk about IRL religions in game, it is difficult to avoid such discussions or to not reference IRL religions, names, and subjects in these photographs. This will be the only dedicated section I discuss such things, other than here, I discuss game Gods such as The Twelve from FFXIV.
As a junior nun I now must officially live by the three vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience.
Misc Life Photo Gallery
Misc images of life events ( ・∀・)っ凵凵c(・∀・ )